Accomodation at North Divison


The room is located at Betla

Room Location:
Room Type:
Persons Allowed:
2 Persons


Room Details

Total Number of suits: Double
Number of extra person: 0
Charge per extra person: 0
Food Included: NO


  • Those who have booked the rooms, must report at Reception office before 4.00 PM, no one should be allowed inside the Tiger Reserve after 4.00 PM.
  • Those who have booked the rooms, it is a must to produce a photocopy of ID proof and booking receipt at the Reception
  • Rest houses are located in core zone of the reserve and highly animal movement area, so visitors are advised not to come out from the rooms.
  • No use of campus for cooking and ceremonies,(community Program).
  • Consumption of alcoholic drinks and smoking within the Reserve is prohibited.
  • The reservation fee of all forest rest houses is only for the reserved rooms. The said amount does not include any other facility like generator, extra bedding etc. If the tourists require generator facility in the rest house, then the required amount will have to bear by the tourist.
    (सभी वन विश्रामागारों के आरक्षण शुल्क मात्र आरक्षित कमरों का आरक्षण शुल्क है | उक्त राशि में अन्य कोई सुविधा यथा जनरेटर , अतिरिक्त बिछावन आदि नहीं है | यदि पर्यटकों को विश्रामागार में जनरेटर की सुविधा की आवश्यकता होगी तो जनरेटर के ईंधन हेतु आवश्यक राशि उपलब्ध करानी)) होगी | )

Dos and Dont's :

  • Entry into the Tiger Reserve with permission is allowed during the specified hours only.
  • Those who have booked the rooms, it is a must to produce a photocopy of ID proof and booking receipt at the Reception
  • Rest houses are located in core zone of the reserve and highly animal movement area, so visitors are advised not to come out from the rooms
  • Consumption of alcoholic drinks and smoking within the Reserve is prohibited.

Check Room Availability :

From Date:
To Date:

Enter Your Details :

Room Policy & Booking Conditions

  • Cancellation before 48 hours 50% will be deducted.
  • Cancellation within 48 hours no refunds.
I acknowledge and accept the Terms of Cancellation Policy.
Room charge: 2000 / Night
Total night:
Charge per extra person:
Total Amount

Additional fees and charges

Category Indians Foreginers
Cleaning Charges per suite 100/- 100/-

Vehicle Fee per day

Heavy vehicle 100/- 100/-
Motor Car/Van 100/- 100/-